Winter 2012-13

IMG 0321  Ground Source Heat Pump works - closing on the house. IMG 0317  It's quite deep in there. IMG 0313  It's coming down to 2 metres in depth, with quite a lot of sand forming the base for the pipes IMG 0315  A wonderful way to get mud in your wqellies. IMG 0324  We decided to use the dumper to help pull the pipes through, and the geese were keen to help... IMG 0582  The 'temporary' kitchen has finally been ripped out, and the bathroom put in - this is the new shower, a sort of oaken snail
IMG 0585  Inside the shower IMG 0580  Looking in from the gym, the floor follows through. IMG 0581  Lovely bowl and tap, courtesy of far flung internet suppliers. IMG 0715  Finished shower IMG 0711  Gym - former living area - properly tidied up, floor washed and resealed, finally looking as we'd hoped!